5th June 2015
Buy An Old Maschine
There was a time buying something new would always guaranteed you had a higher grade technology and you could boast about the new features it has to offer. If I were to use the television for this example you can appreciate my point. If you had an old television its hard to compare it to a new one. This has been a conditional tradition for very long time, so I think in today’s kit buying culture it is no different from the eighties in this regard to buying new. So when it comes to Native Instruments Maschine I suspect the same thing to be happening. I purchased a Maschine Micro mark one when it first hit the streets in 2011. I have since upgraded the software to the latest versions when they have been released, so I have never missed out on any new features that have been upgraded or added. I have beat the life from my Maschine, so I do not have the physical feel or the fancy disco lights (my joke! 🙂 )of any of the Maschine mark 2 series. I do have the latest software which reinforces my point about buying an old Maschine as oppose to a new one . If money is no object then of course go out and get it. If you are on a strict budget like the majority of us this thought should be kept in mind.
In a time where every thing computer related like phones, Tablets , TVs etc., have all of their wonderful features hidden within menus. You have to consider the time spent seeking, scrolling and paging plus also your performance or production effort. It is so much easier to have dedicated buttons and dials. Its priceless in a performance scenario and a time saver in the studio. My suggestion here is to buy a second Maschine if you have one expressly for this purpose. Having two Maschines hooked up is an easy thing to do and there lots of tutorials on this. I remember seeing Jeremy Ellis mangling two Maschine Micros in Natives Instruments promotional video for it.
It is really nice to unbox a brand new Maschine, Im sure many of us have had this thought. Hold on to it as Native Instruments provide a good really system when it comes to licencing. It is not a problem for you to get one off Ebay and register yourself as the new owner. This could save planet by prolonging the life of a Maschine it stays off the electrical scrap heap. Its not the magic bullet to save the planet entirely but it can have a part in the solution.
Im sure i will be back with more reasons but this is enough to establish the point. Kewba